Which tech company?

Which tech company is being described in this passage?

The ___ system of ___ was as beautifully conceived down to the very details, and as thoroughly worked out as if it had been tested for decades… [None of] the other accessories necessary to complete the installation were wanting…all showed signs of astonishing skill and incomparable genius.”

Not this one, but this one. The full quote:

The Edison system of lighting was as beautifully conceived down to the very details, and as thoroughly worked out as if it had been tested for decades in various towns. Neither sockets, switches, fuses, lamp-holders, nor any of the other accessories necessary to complete the installation were wanting; and the generating of the current, the regulation, the wiring with distribution boxes, house connections, meters, etc., all showed signs of astonishing skill and incomparable genius.

Rathenau, quoted in Dyer and Martin 1929 pp. 318-319, quoted in Smil 2005, Creating the Twentieth Century: Technical Innovations of 1867-1914 and Their Lasting Impact, p. 59

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