Posts tagged 'economics'

Six questions about NFTs
Reflections on four years of using data to explain the world
What is purchasing power parity?
Four ways economists helped usher in the "post-fact" era
Growth slowdown (3): perhaps the mid-century growth spurt was just catch-up
Growth slowdown (2): GDP is a measure of a mid-20th century industrial economy
Growth slowdown (1): Robert Gordon's misleading chart
Growth slowdown: Krugman's 'Big Meh'
The cost of the last mile
Google's data supremacy: should we be worried?
What is the legacy of economics, so far?
Taking supermarket sociology (a bit) seriously
The fat lady sings for airplay quotas
Has Apple built a secret hyperloop across Central Asia?
Thoughts on: Code and Data for the Social Sciences
Big data in social science research: access and replication
Driverless cars, asset utilization and the peak demand problem

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